Manly Rd Greener Suburbs Project Update
I’m pleased to say that the first section of Council’s Greener Suburbs project has been completed on the corner of Manly Rd & Greencamp Rd and boy is it looking good!
In 2021, Council announced two Greener Suburbs projects along Manly Rd, the first at Greencamp Rd and the second at Hargreaves Rd.
The latter project, which is due to take place this year, aims to improve the clean, green feel of our suburbs through tree planting and landscaping.

Manly Rd Greener Suburbs Project
In late 2021, Council announced two Greener Suburbs projects along Manly Rd at its intersections with Greencamp Rd and Hargreaves Rd.
These programs aim to impove the clean, green feel of locations across Brisbane through increased tree planting and landscaping.
It certainly adds to the character of neighboring Wakerley and the eastside as the program continues to move into more suburbs.

Newnham & Wecker Rd Upgrade construction begins
The roadwork signs are out, the plans have been finalised and the funding has been allocated.
I’m pleased to announce that the Newnham/Wecker Rd intersection upgrade is underway, which means that improved safety, connectivity, network reliability and reduced congestion are only a few months away.

Old Cleveland Rd safety improvements
This week I was notified by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) that design work is in progress to provide safety improvements along the Old Cleveland Rd/Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd corridor.
This $500,000 project aims to improve safety, network efficiency and increase traffic flow along the busy roads.
Chelsea/Rickertt Rd Upgrade Update
Council's upgrade of the intersection of Chelsea and Rickertt Road is well underway, with better access through Wakerley and Ransome just around the corner coinciding with Council's construction of the Wakerley Bikeway.
Work has commenced on duplicating Rickertt Rd at the intersection with landscaping and the installation of new traffic islands to commence soon.

Design work begins on the Meadowlands Road Extension
Tens of thousands of vehicles travel on Meadowlands Road every day, it's a critical arterial for the Eastern suburbs.
That’s why Council is funding design work for the Meadowlands Road Corridor Extension in the 2021-2022 Budget.

Stanbrough and London Road intersection upgrade
I’m pleased to announce that the London Road and Stanbrough Road intersection in Belmont is being upgraded as part of the Australian Government’s 2020-21 Black Spot Program.

Wakerley Bikeway & Chelsea / Rickertt Rd construction starting soon
I’m pleased to announce that better access through Wakerley and Ransome is just around the corner with Council’s upgrade of the Chelsea Rd and Rickertt Rd intersection coinciding with construction of the Wakerley Bikeway.

Newnham & Wecker Rd Upgrade design released
Work on the Newnham & Wecker Road project will commence later this year after the Federal Government allocated $12 million to upgrade the intersection to improve its overall operation and safety.

Belmont Rd, Wynnum Rd & Manly Rd Intersection Upgrade completed
I’m pleased to advise that Council has now delivered congestion busting projects on Belmont Road at this intersection to reduce traffic congestion and enhance road safety.
Prior to the upgrade, traffic congestion was often experienced northbound on Belmont Road approaching the intersection of Wynnum Road and Manly Road, especially during the peak periods.

Meadowlands Rd & Belmont Rd Intersection Upgrade NOW COMPLETE
The Meadowlands Road and Belmont Road intersection was identified as a location within the local road network that required an upgrade to reduce congestion, improve safety and cater for future traffic demands.
Construction began in mid-April 2018 and has now been completed.
Meadowlands Rds & Belmont Rd Intersection upgrade starts soon
Brisbane City Council is planning to upgrade the intersection of Meadowlands Road and Belmont Road, Belmont.
This intersection was identified as a location within the local road network that requires an upgrade to reduce congestion, improve safety and cater for future traffic demands.

Budget bonanza for Belmont Road
Belmont Road has hit the budget jackpot!
This year Council is investing over $2.5M into projects at both ends of Belmont Road.
Together these projects will address congestion at the intersection of Belmont and Manly Roads, as well as Belmont and Meadowlands Roads.

Carina receives Doboy’s first LED Warning Signs
In mid-2016, Council announced a commitment of $3.24 million to fund a four-year Light Emitting Diode (LED) Road Signs program. This new road safety program involves the installation of LED road signs at known accident hotspots throughout Brisbane.
As your local Councillor, I am aware that rollovers and collisions are an issue along Creek Road and as such, I have arranged to have a slowdown LED road sign installed to address this.
Council is proposing to install the permanent LED road sign northbound on Creek Road, just past the D’Arcy Road intersection, during March 2017

Upgrade of New Cleveland Road & Caladium Street
Brisbane City Council is upgrading the intersection at New Cleveland Road and Caladium Street to reduce congestion and increase road safety and accessibility for all road users.
New Cleveland Road was identified as a corridor requiring improvements to reduce congestion and improve safety under the Gumdale Area Traffic Study 2010.

Green Camp Road Upgrade Plans
The Lord Mayor’s 2015-16 Budget has allocated funds to finish designs for the much-needed upgrade of Green Camp Road, between Rickertt Road and Manly Road.
This work will set the proposed road alignment and determine a more accurate cost of constructing this important link in our local road network, so that Council can plan ahead to secure funds.
Lytton Road Upgrade begins
The $3.5 million upgrade of Lytton Road has now begun.
This package of works will have enormous benefits to local residents, commuters and cyclists, by improving the safety and design of Lytton Road.
So what’s the deal with Rickertt Road?
Delays at at the intersection of Rickertt and Greencamp Roads have this week sparked public debate around the future of this corridor between Brisbane and the Redlands.
This article attempts to answer some of the questions residents have about the road and it's future.