Chelsea/Rickertt Rd Upgrade Update
The intersection of Chelsea/Rickertt Rd upgrade taking shape. Source: Nearmap
Council's upgrade of the intersection of Chelsea and Rickertt Road is well underway, with better access through Wakerley and Ransome just around the corner coinciding with Council's construction of the Wakerley Bikeway.
Work has commenced on duplicating Rickertt Rd at the intersection with landscaping and the installation of new traffic islands to commence soon.
Residents will also note that driveway reconstruction has begun for several properties along Rickertt Rd.
The new traffic lights haven’t been installed yet however the new intersection will very quickly take place once road surfacing is complete.
I’m happy to see that residents of Wakerley and Ransome will enjoy improved safety, reduced congestion and improved access through the local area when this project is completed. It’s been a long time coming!
The project will see the installation of traffic signals at the intersection, constructing right-turn lanes on all four approaches to improve traffic flow and installing signalised crossing facilities to improve safety & access for pedestrians and cyclists.
The Wakerley Bikeway will also provide a new shared pedestrian and cycle path to connect Greencamp Road to Chelsea Road. It will consist of a 2.5m wide path extending 1.3km from the intersection of Rickertt/Greencamp Rd to Chelsea/Rickertt Rd.
This project is jointly funded by Council and the Federal Government and is a great win for our local area. I'd like to personally thank Ross Vasta MP, the Member for Bonner, for fighting to fund this with the help of the Federal Government.
The project is due to be completed by late 2021, so make sure you keep an eye out for the new intersection and bikeway once it is complete!