Green Camp Road Upgrade Plans
The Lord Mayor’s 2015-16 Budget has allocated funds to plan and design the much-needed upgrade of Green Camp Road, between Rickertt Road and Manly Road.
This work will set the proposed road alignment and determine a more accurate cost of constructing this important link in our local road network, so that Council can plan ahead to secure funds.
Design work on this East-West link was halted in 2009 after the former Councillor for Doboy circulated a petition calling on Council to shelve Green Camp Road plans until scores of other roads were upgraded.
Today, whilst certain Redlands politicians want to see Rickertt Road opened up for more traffic from outside of Brisbane, Council’s first priority is to cater for local residents in the Ransome, Wakerley and Gumdale areas.
That’s why Council firmly believes the Green Camp Road upgrade needs to occur prior to any widening of Rickertt Road – which will only bring more Redlands traffic through our area.
Given that a large amount of the traffic travelling through the local area originates from outside the boundary of Brisbane, Cr Adrian Schrinner and I approached the Mayor of Redland City, Cr Karen Williams, to establish the first ever Redlands and Brisbane Transport Working Group.
Funding major infrastructure upgrades is a challenge for all three levels of Government, and as a result it’s vital that the limited funds available are allocated to projects that deliver the maximum community benefit.
With different levels of government responsible for the current and future transport routes between Redlands and Brisbane, the Working Group aims to get key decision makers in one room to identify and prioritise local infrastructure upgrades.
This group is now up-and-running and is working to open dialogue between local, state and federal representatives with electorates on the border of the two cities.
I look forward to keeping you updated on these matters going forward.