Old Cleveland Rd safety improvements
This week I was notified by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) that design work is in progress to provide safety improvements along the Old Cleveland Rd/Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd corridor.
This $500,000 project aims to improve safety, network efficiency and increase traffic flow along the busy roads.
One of the safety improvements is that of closing the median strip at the intersection of Old Cleveland Rd and Tinchborne St. This would mean that Tinchborne St is converted into a left-in/left-out only street on both the north and south sides of Old Cleveland Rd.
This upgrade will increase safety for road users at the intersection of Old Cleveland Rd and Tinchborne St by preventing road users from turning right across multiple lanes of traffic.
Local residents have been sharing their safety concerns about this intersection for years, it’s time to see some changes.
A diagram of the proposed intersection median to be closed at Tinchborne St. Supplied: DTMR
Another section of Old Cleveland Rd is receiving attention at the New Cleveland Rd/Old Cleveland Rd intersection, seen in the diagram below.
An additional right-turn lane from Old Cleveland Rd into New Cleveland Rd is being added to help with traffic flow at peak hours.
The slip road entry, also from Old Cleveland Rd into New Cleveland Rd, is seeing an upgrade to improve safety for road users, pedestrians and bike riders.
A diagram of the proposed changes to the New Cleveland Rd and Old Cleveland Rd intersection. Supplied: DTMR
The final section of Old Cleveland Rd to see an upgrade is at the Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd / Camrose St intersection where a U-turn provision and extension of the right-turning lane from Old Cleveland Rd into Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd will be implemented.
During peak times this intersection sees high volumes of traffic turning right onto Mount Gravatt–Capalaba Road. Road users also regularly use this intersection to perform a U-turn onto Old Cleveland Road (travelling west).
Extending the right-turn lane will allow for a greater volume of cars wanting to either turn right or perform a U-turn to access Tinchborne St, thereby assisting traffic flow and the traffic changes associated with closing the median strip at Tinchborne St.
A diagram of the proposed installation of a U-turn provision and right-turn extension on Old Cleveland Rd. Supplied: DTMR
I look forward to seeing how this project will benefit the local community.
For more information on this upgrade see TMR’s website here.