Court decision on Greendale Village Shopping Centre
The site of the proposed Greendale Village Shopping Centre sat almost dormant for thirteen years until June this year when vegetation was cleared and boundary fencing was erected around the site.
After many extensions, an appeal and subsequent court order, the development has been granted a further 2 year extension to start construction on the site.
Hopefully in the coming months construction will start and by the end of 2023, Carindale residents will have a new local shopping centre to call their own.

Update on the Greendale Way Shopping Centre site
As many residents have pointed out, there has been some clearing of vegetation throughout the first week of June at the site on the corner of Greendale Way and Scrub Road in Carindale.

Aminya Street in need of upgrade
I am launching a petition asking Council to fund a Village Precinct Project (VPP) to upgrade the streetscape around the Aminya Street shops in Mansfield.

Wakerley Meals of Wheels begin to take shape
I'm pleased to advise that after significant delays, work is finally progressing on the Wakerley Meals on Wheels Centre and Netball Courts.
Council's original concept design featured eight courts, and as such a significant requirement for new car parking, which some local residents viewed as an over-development of the site.
This final proposal represents a good balance of usability for Netball and development sensitive to local residents and the Meals on Wheels facility.
Council set to deliver Meals on Wheels at Wakerley
Council has proposed to construct a community facility and kitchen at 880 Manly Rd for Wynnum and Manly District Meals on Wheels. Last year residents gave feedback on the design and now a master plan is available for viewing.