Council set to deliver Meals on Wheels at Wakerley
In September last year I conducted a round of community consultation regarding Council’s proposed development of its site at 880 Manly Road, Wakerley.
To re-cap, we are proposing to construct a community facility and kitchen for Wynnum and Manly District Meals on Wheels Association, with provision for future sporting facilities, should the need arise. The land has always been intended for this purpose in Council’s City Plan.
At the meeting in September, residents gave feedback on several aspects of the design for the proposed facility and associated on site infrastructure. Where possible, Council has incorporated this feedback into our final design of the park layout.
Some requests, for example- to relocate the building to the bottom of the site and to signalise the access off Manly Road were impractical, did not meet design guidelines or could not feasibly be accomplished within budget.
I’m satisfied that the final design provides a good balance between seeing a new community facility built for our area, and protecting the amenity of local residents.
Some of the key features and improvements in the final design are as follows:
No vehicle access via Lexey Crescent
Improved car park layout, lighting and landscaping
Bikeway linkages along the top of the site through to Manly Road
A new playground and informal play space adjacent to Demby Crescent
Significant site landscaping and tree plantings to screen the facility
These are just some of the outcomes. The full list of feedback and Council’s responses are available below, at the end of this article.
I welcome any feedback you may have on these designs. Where Council can continue to make improvements we will continue to do so.
Meals on Wheels are now ready to proceed to lodgement of the Development Application for the building itself and commencement of enabling works. Residents will then have an opportunity to make further submissions on the design of the building itself.
Once the application is lodged I will provide information on this process.
I want to thank those who have taken the time to provide their feedback so far.