Aminya Street in need of upgrade
I am launching a petition asking Council to fund a Village Precinct Project (VPP) to upgrade the streetscape around the Aminya Street shops in Mansfield.

Cannon Hill Community Links October Update
Last week I visited the site of the Fursden Road Landfill Remediation Project at Cannon Hill.
The site stopped accepting waste in 1977, but the capping at the time didn't stop rainwater from seeping through the waste and making its way into Bulimba Creek.

Hemmant-Lytton Neighbourhood Plan out for consultation
The State Government has approved the Hemmant-Lytton Neighbourhood Plan to proceed to public notification, meaning residents now have an opportunity to make further submissions.

Hemmant Lytton Neighbourhood Plan now available for viewing
Council has just posted the Draft Hemmant Lytton Neighbourhood Plan on it's website for viewing.
This plan is an important initiative for our area and the first co-ordinated planning excercise ever undertaken in Hemmant.

State to review draft Hemmant Lytton Neighbourhood Plan
Brisbane City Council is set to submit the draft Hemmant Lytton Neighbourhood Plan to the Queensland Government for review.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the plan would support the area’s continued commercial growth while taking into account its natural environment and the community’s needs.

River Gateway Neighbourhood Plan to be adopted
“The River Gateway neighbourhood plan is expected to receive the final stamp of approval from Brisbane City Council on Tuesday 19 March, 2013.
Local Councillor Ryan Murphy (Doboy Ward) said the plan was the result of more than two years of close collaboration between Council and the local community.