Learn to ride track in Broadwater Park receives upgrade
The learn to ride track or “dinky track” in Mansfield’s Broadwater Picnic Ground has just received a $51,000 upgrade thanks to Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner.
Bring the kids down to try it out and let me know what you think!

Bill McFarlane Park is made official
Last month I had the honour of officially opening the Bill McFarlane Park in Wakerley alongside the great man himself.
It was a special day as a vital member of our community was forever commemorated for the work he has done that will have lasting impacts for many generations to come.

Torrens Crescent Park is now shady!
The sun is out and the shade is in as Wakerley parents and kids will be keeping cool from now on in Torrens Crescent Park! Council has now finished installing two shade sails over the play equipment.
Facelift for Hunter Street Park, Manly West
As promised, the major upgrade of Hunter Street Park has commenced!
The old playground will be removed and a new modern play system will be installed.
Council will also be installing a new seat and making some minor changes to the landscaping. This will include the planting of two new trees and erection of a sandstone wall. I have included a copy of the design plans in this letter for your reference.

Wakerley’s wait for dog park almost over
Prior to the last Council election, I received a Change.org petition signed by over 200 Wakerley residents requesting Council provide a dog off-leash area for the Mossvale Estate.
Council has assessed six local parks within Mossvale Estate as to their suitability for an off-leash area. These include Torrens Crescent Park, Mossvale Drive Park, Barwin Street Park, Yarra Road Park, Watervale Parade Park and Moss Road Park.
Due to a variety of environmental and constructability factors, Watervale Parade Park was the only suitable location identified.