Exciting park upgrades take shape in Doboy Ward
The 2018-2019 Lord Mayor's Budget allocated a total of $352,000 towards park upgrades throughout Doboy with a further $321,000 from the Doboy Ward's Footpath & Parks Trust Fund allocated towards upgrades in Thurston Street Park (Tingalpa), Pinnibar Place Park (Hemmant) and Saltburn Place Park (Wakerley).

Rename Barrack Road Park to Irene Longman Reserve
As part of International Women's Day 2018, I am launching a petition calling on Brisbane City Council to rename Barrack Road Park in Cannon Hill to Irene Longman Reserve; in recognition of Queensland's first female parliamentarian.
Murarrie Rd & Wynnum Rd set to be signalised
Brisbane City Council is planning to upgrade the intersection of Wynnum Road and Murarrie Road at Tingalpa to improve traffic efficiency and safety, and cater for existing and future traffic demands at this intersection.
This project is part of Council’s $1.3 billion commitment to take real action on congestion, by focusing on a range of solutions to improve the existing road network, getting residents home more quickly and safely.
Murarrie Skate Park upgrade begins this week
In 2016, I announced a commitment to upgrade the existing Murarrie Skate Park. Works are anticipated to start in February 2018, weather and site conditions permitting. The project will deliver a range of new skate features as well as a new surface finish.

Murarrie Boundary Review in final stages
You may recall Council proposed boundary changes which if approved, would see the Murarrie suburb boundary shift from Barrack Road to Creek Road, bringing Park Hill Village into the suburb boundaries of Cannon Hill.
Lytton Road Upgrade begins
The $3.5 million upgrade of Lytton Road has now begun.
This package of works will have enormous benefits to local residents, commuters and cyclists, by improving the safety and design of Lytton Road.

Queensport Road truck ban survey begins
Many local residents along Queensport Road have complained about the volume of truck traffic on the road at night, often very late into the evening and the early hours of the morning.
As a result of these complaints, Council proposes to introduce a truck ban (on vehicles 4.5t GVM and over) on Queensport Road South between Garrett Street and Alexandra Place, from 8pm to 6am...

Murarrie boundary set to shift after review
Murarrie’s boundaries are set to change after Council completed it's review of the suburb boundaries last week.
A staggering 89.2% of residents who responded in Park Hill Village and the Barracks supported my proposal to transfer them into into Cannon Hill.

River Gateway Neighbourhood Plan to be adopted
“The River Gateway neighbourhood plan is expected to receive the final stamp of approval from Brisbane City Council on Tuesday 19 March, 2013.
Local Councillor Ryan Murphy (Doboy Ward) said the plan was the result of more than two years of close collaboration between Council and the local community.