Edwards Park Plans & Design

The plans are in, and they look great!

Thank you to all the local residents who completed my community survey at the end of last year.

Council’s parks design team have returned with an exciting new concept plan for the park.

As the existing playground was removed last financial year due to safety concerns, I’m excited to see design work progress, and look forward to talking more with the community about these plans in the coming months.

New playground will include:

  • Flying fox

  • Group rocker

  • Large climbing net

  • Swings

  • Accessible spinner

  • Playhouse with slide for younger children

  • Timber stepper maze

  • Larger play structure for older children

I look forward to receiving community feedback on these ideas over the coming months as we work together to make this park even better!

Ryan Murphy

Councillor for Chandler Ward

Civic Cabinet Chair for Transport


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