Plans unveiled for Aminya St Village Precinct Project
I am pleased to unveil the plans for the Aminya Street, Mansfield shopping centre upgrade.
This project is a part of Council’s Village Precinct Projects program (VPP) and a commitment to create a city of vibrant neighbourhoods.
In 2020 and after 286 local people petitioned for changes to the shopping strip, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner allocated $1.4M to upgrade Aminya Street, Mansfield neighbourhood shops.
Planning began with local community engagement in 2021 and I thank everyone who provided comments. Community priorities for the shopping strip and site information were used to develop the final improvement plans.
Construction is due to start in early 2024 with anticipated completion in mid-2024 (subject to weather and site conditions).
Information signs have been installed at the precinct
The proposed upgrades include:
Construction of new footpath
Accessibility upgrade via new kerb ramp crossings
New bus shelter
New garden beds, greenery and additional street trees
Street furniture
Drinking fountain
New bins
Bike rack
Artist impression
Artist Impression showing the proposed streetscape improvements at the eastern end of the Aminya Street shopping centre.
Read my previous articles about Aminya Street:
Aminya Street in need of upgrade
Aminya Street upgrade is going ahead!
Contact the project team:
(07) 3403 8888