Fake trees in Carindale?
Council has just installed two specially designed, artificial habitat poles in the waterway at Donnington Street Park South, near Creek Road in Carindale.
This work compliments habitat restoration works that are being undertaken by the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (B4C).
B4C have removed invasive species, such as lantana, from the waterway and will eventually plant new trees here.
These artificial poles will provide refuge for a variety of species, including koalas, squirrel gliders and birds while we wait for the new trees to grow to a mature state.
View down to Creek Road over Salvin Creek
Council is also currently undertaking engineering assessments to install additional wildlife movement infrastructure under Creek Road at Salvin Creek to ensure our wildlife can safely cross this busy road.
These are just some of the ways Council is working to protect our precious wildlife in the Eastern suburbs for generations to come.