Murarrie Boundary Review in final stages
You may recall Council proposed boundary changes which if approved, would see the Murarrie suburb boundary shift from Barrack Road to Creek Road, bringing Park Hill Village into the suburb boundaries of Cannon Hill.

Don’t break up Wakerley!
The ECQ has released its proposed boundaries for the 2015 redistribution and both Cr Adrian Schrinner (Chandler Ward) and I hold significant concerns about how the changes affect Wakerley.
The Commission are now calling for objections to their proposed boundaries and we have until 5pm on Monday 3 August 2015 to let them know. I’m asking all concerned residents to make a submission.

Murarrie boundary set to shift after review
Murarrie’s boundaries are set to change after Council completed it's review of the suburb boundaries last week.
A staggering 89.2% of residents who responded in Park Hill Village and the Barracks supported my proposal to transfer them into into Cannon Hill.