Green Camp Road Corridor Upgrade finished!
Brisbane City Council has completed a major upgrade of the Green Camp Road corridor, reducing congestion and improving safety for all road users.
The Green Camp Road corridor upgrade was delivered in partnership with the Australian Government and is part of a $1.3 billion investment by Council to get residents home quicker and safer.
Green Camp Road is used by 30,000 vehicles every day and this critical upgrade has widened the corridor to a minimum of four lanes, cutting travel times by up to 50 per cent.
Prior to this upgrade, 57 serious crashes occured along the corridor over a 7 year period between 2010 to 2017. This upgrade will cut the risk of future accidents by more than half.
The project has also delivered major upgrades to the Tilley Road and Green Camp Road intersection as well as the Rickertt Road and Green Camp Road intersection.
Green Camp Road is a major corridor between the CBD and the bayside and this upgrade will boost safety for all road users, with new on-road cycle lanes and a shared pathway.
This upgrade is offering immediate benefits to all road users, as well as future-proofing the corridor by delivering the infrastructure needed for the growing Brisbane region.
providing two through lanes in each direction on Green Camp Road from Manly Road to just passed the Rickertt Road intersection
providing three through lanes on Green Camp Road northbound adjacent to the Tilley Road intersection
signalising the Green Camp and Tilley Roads intersection
widening the Tilley Road approach to provide a left and right turn lane
providing two through lanes on Rickertt Road in each direction for 200 metres from the Green Camp Road intersection
widening the Rickertt Road approach to provide a separate left-turn lane and two right-turn lanes
raising the road level and upgrading the existing culverts under the Green Camp and Tilley Roads intersection
providing on-road cycle lanes and off-road shared paths
providing fauna crossing facilities, fauna fencing and wildlife awareness zones
providing improved pedestrian footpath connections
a new car park north of the Green Camp and Tilley Roads intersection for visitors to Green Camp Road Park
landscaping treatments.
improve travel times and reliability for motorists and public transport services
enhance the ability for Green Camp Road to fulfil its role as an arterial road in the east Brisbane network
improve safety by signalising the Green Camp and Tilley Roads intersection and improving the layout of the Green Camp and Rickett Roads intersection
provide fauna crossing facilities, including arboreal crossings and glider poles, fauna fences and wildlife awareness zones
provide on-road cycle lanes and off-road shared paths along Green Camp Road
improve flood immunity.